About Me

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My name is Jessica. I am an actress, singer, dancer, and musician. I love God and strive to be more like Him. I get very interested in politics. My favorite animal is a beaver.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


My favorite number is 3. It is my favorite because God's character is revealed in His nature and in His creation in groups of 3s. The following are some examples:

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

father, mother, children

the white of the eye, the color, and the pupil

eggshell, egg white, egg yolk

water, steam, ice

dot,dot,dot :)

I first heard of the 3s in a Bible study I went through called The Truth Project. Now I love looking for 3s in nature. That's why I put that as my blog name. I love seeing God's design in His creation! It's awesome! And that is why 3 is my favorite number. Please comment if you have noticed any examples of 3s in God's creation.
Here is a random picture that I took once of a chicken we were babysitting
