About Me

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My name is Jessica. I am an actress, singer, dancer, and musician. I love God and strive to be more like Him. I get very interested in politics. My favorite animal is a beaver.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The coast!

I'm at the coast! It is so beautiful here. The beauty of the beach is breathtaking. My dad is part of a fathering ministry that has father/son and father/daughter camps. The camps encourage men to be great fathers and the camp helps build relationships with fathers and their children. The camps take place at the coast on a private beach that God graciously provides. My dad is usually the cook for the camps. The father/son camp is this weekend but my brother could not go this year. So my dad and I came here to help set up the camp and then we are leaving tonight. :) Well, I must go. I will post pictures later.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I love spring time... from the window of my playhouse I gaze at the trees' deep green leaves flowing in the wind. The pool glistens in the brilliant radiance of the sun, while my cat dozes in the shade by my lush garden. Next to the garden, lies the the rock wall where flowers grow making the area look delightful. The Star Jasmine constructs an eye-catching hedge around the gate. The spring is really a lovely time.