About Me

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My name is Jessica. I am an actress, singer, dancer, and musician. I love God and strive to be more like Him. I get very interested in politics. My favorite animal is a beaver.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Today we got our Christmas tree! I cannot wait to put it up and start decorating! Christmas is one of my favorite times in the whole year. I love making presents for my family and friends and decorating the tree while listening to Christmas music. It is a very good time to get closer to the Lord. I like baking gingerbread cookies adn watching my cat fail at getting an ornament off the tree. haha. It is such a fun time of year. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Les Miserables and Awkward Moments

I was just in a production of Les Miserables at my local theatre. It was an AMAZING experience. I made so many friends and had so many funny/awkward moments ( as you usually do in theatre). One of the funny/awkward moments happened on the opening night of the show. It was before the show and the stage was all dark. You could hardly see anything. I went on the stage (as I usually like to do before shows) and I saw something sitting in the middle of the stage. "Oh it must be a basket" thought I. "Why is there a basket in the middle of the stage?" So I decided to touch it just to be sure it was a basket. But, low and behold, when I touched it, it indeed was NOT a basket. In fact, it was the lead in our show. "Hello?" he said right as I touched him.
This was the first thought that came into my head: "Oh! the basket talked!" Then out loud I said, "Oh my goodness! I thought you were a basket!"
"Umm... ok," was his response.
Since it was dark I couldn't tell who it was. I thought it must be my friend Colin. So I patted him on the back and said, "This is Colin, right?"
"No," he answered. "It's Kevin."
I, being thoroughly mortified, immediately stopped patting him on the back and answered awkwardly, "Oh... umm... bye." and left before I could embarrass myself more.